
mardi 30 décembre 2014

RACI Template and How to Use this Matrix n°4

RACI Template and How to Use this Matrix on SWAY n°4

Simply place an R, A, C, I or any appropriate combination in each of the applicable roles for each activity  Each Activity should have at least one individual Accountable while there may be shared responsibilities depending on the activity.

Président du Club UGSF

lundi 29 décembre 2014

RACI - Roles and Responsibilities Matrix n°3

RACI Roles and Responsibilities Matrix n°3

Président du Club UGSF

RACI - Roles and Responsibilities Matrix n°2

RACI - REX (Roles and Responsibilities Matrix) n°2

For SharePoint 2013


Président du Club UGSF


dimanche 28 décembre 2014

RACI - REX (Roles and Responsibilities Matrix) n°1

R = Responsible, A = Accountable, C = Consulted, I = Informed

RACI Chart (Roles and Responsibilities Matrix) n°1

The best way to understand RACI charts is to look at an actual example (if you are already familiar with RACI charts and simply need to download a template, visit the RACI templates page).  Here is a case where a manufacturing plant manager and his staff are planning to have the plant parking lot repaired.

I do use a RACI in many cases:
Simply place an R, A, C, I or any appropriate combination in each of the applicable roles for each activity  Each Activity should have at least one individual Accountable while there may be shared responsibilities depending on the activity.

  • R = Responsible:  The person or function that performs the work.  There must be one “R” in every row, no more and no less.
  • A = Accountable:  The person or function ultimately accountable for the work or decision being made.  Use this letter when appropriate, but not to excess – only when an important decision or task is at hand.  There can be from zero to one “A” in each row, but no more than one.
  • C = Consulted:  Anyone who must be consulted prior to a decision being made or a task completed.  A “C” is typically a subject matter expert or a functional leader whose team will be affected by the decision/action.  There can be from zero to multiple “C’s” in each row as appropriate.
  • I = Informed: Anyone who must be informed after a decision is made or work is completed.  There can be as many “I’s” as are appropriate in each row.

Basic Steps for Completing a RACI Chart:
1.Identify the work process or project that is to be charted.
2.List the important activities and decisions in the work process.
3.Using the RACI definitions, identify the functional roles that need to be involved with each activity or decision.
4.Based on (3), invite the appropriate representative from each function to a working session for developing the RACI chart.  Meeting length should be two hours maximum, unless there is fundamental disagreement around roles/responsibilities (in which case, make sure that senior leaders are invited as well).
5.Complete the chart in the working session, and publish it to the team.  Make modifications as needed moving forward and keep the chart up to date.
RACI - REX (Roles and Responsibilities Matrix) n°1

Template VISIO

This template uses a grid design to help you quickly and easily create a visual responsibility assignment matrix. This template, for an application development project, uses five responsibilities: participant, accountable, review required, input required, and sign-off required. You could further customize this sample with the responsibility assignment matrix that your company prefers, such as RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, informed).

Président du Club UGSF

jeudi 25 décembre 2014

SharePoint: Les stratégies de migration - Etape 1 - Préparation

Cette première phase est une préparation au réel travail de migration que nous verrons dans de prochains messages.

Romelard Fabrice [MBA Risk Management]

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY
Président du Club UGSF

mardi 25 novembre 2014

Blog général de Fabrice Romelard: IT Due Diligence : Questionnaire standard pour l’é...

Blog général de Fabrice Romelard: IT Due Diligence : Questionnaire standard pour l’é...: Je vous ai proposé dans les précédents modèles comment préparer deux types de mission : IT Due Diligence : Questionnaire standard de prép...


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


Président du Club SHAREPOINT

lundi 14 juillet 2014

SharePoint ToolBox #014 Chocolatey Nuget - [EN]

--- Pierre Erol GIRAUDY - MVP SHAREPOINTPrésident du Club SHAREPOINT FRANCEhtpp://www.ugsf.frView Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

mardi 17 juin 2014

Aide-mémoire Yammer en français - Abalon

Aide-mémoire Yammer en français - Abalon


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY




View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

mercredi 7 mai 2014

Announcing EMET 5.0 Technical Preview - Security Research & Defense - Site Home - TechNet Blogs

Announcing EMET 5.0 Technical Preview - Security Research & Defense - Site Home - TechNet Blogs

The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) helps raise the bar against attackers gaining access to computer systems.

EMET anticipates the most common actions and techniques adversaries might use in compromising a computer, and helps protect by diverting, terminating, blocking, and invalidating those actions and techniques.

EMET helps protect your computer systems even before new and undiscovered threats are formally addressed by security updates and antimalware software.

EMET benefits enterprises and all computer users by helping to protect against security threats and breaches that can disrupt businesses and daily lives.



Président du Club UGSF

mercredi 30 avril 2014

Dan Holme’s SharePoint MasterClass: Governance

Dan Holme’s SharePoint MasterClass: Governance

European SharePoint Conference 2014

The European SharePoint Conference 2014 will take place in The Palau de Congressos de Catalunya in Barcelona Spain from the 5th - 8th May, 2014.

The Programme for the European SharePoint Conference 2014 is full of new and exciting topics, which will be covered by the best worldwide experts, including Microsoft speakers, MCMs, and MVPs.

The Conference targets IT professionals, developers, business decision makers as well as end users. The Programme provides  6 pre-conference tutorials, and more than 100 sessions divided into three days, each of them focusing on specific topics: Cloud and Microsoft Office 365 on Tuesday 6th May; Enterprise Social, Enterprise Content Management & Best Practices on Wednesday 7th May; Solutions & Devices  on Thursday 8th May.

If you want to deepen your SharePoint expertise, to understand the trend of the SharePoint market, and to learn how to leverage Microsoft Office 365 for your business, including the revolutionary Enterprise Social wave, the European SharePoint Conference is

the best place to be in 2014!


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY




View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

samedi 26 avril 2014

Qu’est-ce que la Gouvernance de SharePoint 2013 ?

La gouvernance correspond à l’ensemble des stratégies, rôles, responsabilités et processus permettant de contrôler la façon dont les services commerciaux et les équipes informatiques d’une organisation collaborent pour réaliser leurs objectifs.

Chaque organisation a des besoins et des objectifs propres qui ont une influence sur son approche de la gouvernance. Les grandes entreprises nécessiteront probablement une gouvernance plus importante et plus détaillée que des organisations de plus petite taille.

Un plan de gouvernance adapté peut et doit :

  • Simplifier le déploiement de produits et de technologies, tels que SharePoint Server 2013.

  • Répondre aux besoins de sécurité et de conformité du système de votre organisation.

  • Garantir le meilleur retour sur votre investissement technologique.

Depuis plusieurs semaines je suis sur des ateliers et PGG pour une grande Compagnie.

REX (retour d’expérience) je fais communiquer les services entre eux pendant ces ateliers

Animes de petites réunions en comité restreints, et ainsi ceci améliore la perception du projet.

Ateliers_KIT   image

Les KITS permettent une accélération du processus, notamment, le Kit de démarrage et ses matrices + la boite à outil.


Voici un exemple adapté à la version 2010 de SharePoint d’un KIT de démarrage.

En ce qui concerne la version 2013 il faudra y inclure d’autres éléments complémentaire (mais les bases sont là)

  • Comités et unités administratives - Sites dédiés aux divers comités et unités administratives
  • Communautés de pratique et centres d'expertise - Sites dédiés aux ressources en fonction d'un centre d'intérêt ou d'une thématique commune
  • Projets - Sites dédiés aux projets et à la fonction de support aux projets
  • Référentiel documentaire - Un site contenant la documentation permanente de l'organisation
  • Normes et aspects légaux
  • Matrices et outils 2013
  • eLearning

Matrices   image 

“Vos stratégies de gouvernance doivent soutenir les objectifs de votre organisation et être mises à jour en fonction de l’évolution des besoins de votre organisation. Nous vous recommandons de mettre en place une équipe constituée de personnes issues de différents services de votre organisation pour développer et maintenir ces stratégies. Intégrez, autant que possible, des personnes occupant les postes suivants”



Gouvernance informatique dans SharePoint 2013 (A relire) Découvrez les facteurs clés de gouvernance d’un service SharePoint 2013 et ce que vous devez inclure dans un contrat de niveau de service.

Cet article fait partie d’un ensemble d’articles sur la gouvernance. Les articles suivants en décrivent d’autres aspects :


Pour des applications efficaces et faciles à gérer, votre organisation doit prendre en considération les éléments suivants :

  • Stratégie de personnalisation   SharePoint 2013 inclut des fonctionnalités personnalisables qui s’étendent sur plusieurs gammes de produits, comme l’aide à la décision, les formulaires, le flux de travail et la gestion de contenu. La personnalisation peut introduire des risques pour la stabilité, la maintenance et la sécurité de l’environnement. Pour prendre en charge la personnalisation tout en contrôlant son étendue, vous devez développer une stratégie de personnalisation.

  • Gestion du cycle de vie  Suivez les meilleures pratiques pour gérer les applications et maintenir la synchronisation de vos environnements.

  • Personnalisation   Si vous concevez une architecture d’informations et un ensemble de sites à utiliser dans une organisation, pensez à inclure la personnalisation dans votre plan de gouvernance. Un ensemble formel de stratégies de personnalisation permet de garantir que les sites utilisent les images, les polices, les thèmes et les autres éléments de conception de l’entreprise de manière cohérente.

  • Solutions ou applications pour SharePoint ?   Décidez quel est le meilleur choix entre une solution et une application pour SharePoint pour des personnalisations spécifiques.

La Gouvernance est aussi et avant tout une question de pratique de la solution SharePoint 2013 :


Enfin il ne faudra pas oublier la formation + conduite du changement et son accompagnement

image  image


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


mercredi 9 avril 2014

Discover SharePoint 2013 Adoption Guide

Download the use case catalog and adoption guide.

Check out the resources below to find out more about what is SharePoint and learn how you can drive organic adoption within your organization. Alternatively, you can also visit

DiscoverSharePoint.pdf—Discover SharePoint   What is SharePoint? SharePoint is about giving you and the people you work with a better way to get things done together. Check out the scenarios in this book to see some of the ways SharePoint can help you work better together.

SharePoint_Adoption_Guide.docx—SharePoint 2013 Adoption Guide   Adoption of new technologies at work, like SharePoint, won’t happen all at once. In this paper, learn how to craft an effective plan, aligned with business goals, that will demonstrate how SharePoint will benefit business people personally, how it will make their job easier, and how it will address the pain points they experience at work.  

The adoption kit contains resources to help you drive adoption as explained in the adoption guide, featuring a use case catalog, videos & how to guides, posters, and email templates.

Date Published: 9/18/2013

  • File size:
  • Discover SharePoint.pdf 3.3 MB
  • SharePoint 2013 Adoption 4.6 MB
  • Sharepoint_Adoption_Guide.pdf 254 KB


Office 365 Change Management Guide for the Enterprise

Users are the key to realizing the full potential of your investment in Office 365.

To drive user adoption to its highest potential, use our proven change management strategy to clearly articulate the benefits of Office 365, build a community among your users, and provide the right help and support at the right times.
In this download package, you'll find the Change Management Guide for the Enterprise, which describes a proven, four-phase process that organizations have used to drive up new technology adoption and maximize their return on investment. A comprehensive set of samples and templates let you build a customized set of project planning documents and user awareness materials based on your specific organization's needs.

Included in this download package:

  • Change Management for the Enterprise guidance
  • Project planning workbook
  • Email samples
  • Policies and best practices templates
  • Presentations for introducing Office 365
  • Posters and other print communications
  • Help desk and support resources
  • End-user surveys
  • Videos




Pierre Erol GIRAUDY



dimanche 6 avril 2014

Avez-vous des problèmes avec ce package Service Pack 1 du SharePoint 2013 ?

Nous avons récemment découvert un problème avec ce package Service Pack 1 qui peut empêcher les clients qui ont le Service Pack 1 de déployer de futures mises à jour publiques ou cumulatives.

Par mesure de précaution, MICROSOFT désactivé la page de téléchargement jusqu'à ce qu'un nouveau package soit publié.

Don’t Install SharePoint 2013 Service Pack 1

If you haven’t installed this in your Production environment yet, please hold off. If you have it in a Test or Dev environment go ahead and keep testing it. I’ll update this blog post as I get more information.


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY



mercredi 12 mars 2014

Phase de transition et plan de gouvernance

Quand les fermes SharePoint 2013 sont en pré-production ou gérer par des équipes projet la phase de transition est souvent négligée ou retardée.

Cette étape implique un vrais plan de transition et des remédiations avec une documentation + formations précises afin de pouvoir "passer la main" aux autres équipes qui vont administrer ces fermes.

Les  équipes projet doivent prendre en compte les facteurs humains et la conduite du changement, c'est l'un des facteurs clef du succès de cette transition...

Exemple :

  • Plan
    de classement
    1. Annuaire
    2. Sommaire
    3. Fiches

  • Remédiation
  • Ateliers
    1. Fiches
    2. PPT
    3. Matrices

  • Transition
    1. Plan
    2. Cartographie
    3. Matrices
    4. Conduite de la

  • Mise en
    1. Fiches
    1. Formations
    2. Documentations

  • Conduite du Changement + Transfert de Compétences  + Formations

  • Les matrices
  • Le MIN, le
    MEX, les FEX,  mise à jour du DAT
  • L’ossature
    de la Gouvernance…

View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

FORUM POUR LA REGULATION DE L'EUROPE SOCIALE: Les profonds bouleversements induits par les TIC, ...

FORUM POUR LA REGULATION DE L'EUROPE SOCIALE: Les profonds bouleversements induits par les TIC, ...: Source :  LEREDS - LILLE 2   - Centre de recherches Droits et perspectives du droit Axes de recherche 2010-2014 Volet social du projet d...

Par exemple : quand les fermes SharePoint sont en pré-production ou gérer par des équipes projet la phase de transition est souvent négligée ou retardée.

Cette étape implique un vrais plan de transition et des remédiations avec une documentation + formations précises afin de pouvoir "passer la main" aux autres équipes qui vont administrer ces fermes.

Les TIC doivent prendre en compte les facteurs humains, c'est l'une des clefs du succès...

View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

samedi 8 mars 2014

SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online solution pack for branding and site provisioning

The SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online solution pack for branding and site provisioning includes Word document modules. The modules introduce basic information about SharePoint, its page model, branding tools and packaging, and themes. They also introduce a new site provisioning pattern called remote provisioning, and describe how to use it to provision branding elements to SharePoint sites.

The file is a zip file containing five Word documents. Users who do not have Microsoft Word can view this document through the downloadable.



Président du Club UGSF

vendredi 7 mars 2014

President Bill Clinton will deliver the keynote address at SharePoint Conference 2014

President Bill Clinton will deliver the keynote address at SharePoint Conference 2014

SPC14 Keynote: Connect. Reimagine. Transform.     

Join Jeff Teper and the Microsoft SharePoint team for the opening keynote of SharePoint Conference 2014. The keynote will introduce the main themes of the conference and highlight new innovations across SharePoint, Yammer and Office 365. We are excited and honored to have special our guest keynote speaker, President Bill Clinton.


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

Président du Club UGSF / MUG

samedi 1 mars 2014

SPC2014 Governance from SPC2014

In this session, I am going to expose you to a *framework* with which you can use out-of-box technologies and features to automate SharePoint operations and governance and, in fact, Active Directory operations and governance as well.

I will share tools and scripts that I've used in customers, including NBC Sports, where we used this framework to manage our operations for the broadcast of the Winter Olympics last month. You'll get access to all of the scripts, and some customers put them in place "as is", but the real goal is to open your mind to new ways of putting the pieces together to more effectively manage IT with SharePoint. While a background in PowerShell is helpful, even if you're new to PowerShell you'll be equipped with everything you need to succeed.

Examples will include Site Provisioning, group management, and user administration.




Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


dimanche 9 février 2014

SharePoint Customer Auditing Process

SharePoint Customer Auditing Process
Auditing SharePoint is one of the indispensable processes before deploying new solutions on the existing farm since SharePoint is going to be more critical to the corporate business. There are many reasons why auditing before SharePoint deployments is really important:
  • dentifying things are properly configured in SharePoint farm
  • Identifying the impaction of hardware and software on SharePoint performance
  • Measuring security in several different aspects
  • Infrastructure involved to operate SharePoint
  • Customization maintenance

The wheel describes several parts you need to look at when conducting a SharePoint audit. This whitepaper has been written by 5 SharePoint MVP.
  • Gokan Ozcifci - SharePoint MVP
  • Benoit Jester - SharePoint MVP
  • Pierre Erol - SharePoint MVP
  • Nabil Babaci - SharePoint MVP
  • Thuan Nguyen - SharePoint MVP

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY
Président du Club UGSF

La gouvernance de SharePoint 2013 et architectures Hybrides aux TECHDAYS 2014


Ajouter dans mon agenda

La Gouvernance de SharePoint 2013 - comparaison de fermes de pré-production et Prod. - retours d'expériences - les outils de gestion et de comparaisons : positionnement sur l'AZURE de ces architectures Hybrides - les rapports automatiques - l'administration des fermes - l'audit des fermes - correctifs - démonstrations.  


liste des intervenants


Comment vous rendre aux Microsoft TechDays ?

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


06 0957 1124.


Microsoft Office 365 Deployment Readiness Tool / OnRamp for Office 365


Run automatic checks to test your environment to make sure it’s ready for Office 365. No changes are made and no data is stored while these checks are being run. Be sure that you’re running the checks from a domain-joined computer in your on-premises environment. To run all the tests, you must have the necessary credentials and your workstation has to meet all the requirements. They are checked before the tests run. If your computer does not meet all the requirements, you can follow the provided links to install needed components.

We recommend that you also run automatic checks again after completing the items in the Readiness steps. These checks detect any errors, such as missing DNS records or Active Directory users that need to be fixed before you set up directory synchronization. It’s important to note that OnRamp checks are run against your on-premises environment, so DNS checks will verify internal resolution. Also, OnRamp will look at all of your Active Directory domains. You may see auto check failures for domains that you won’t be using in Office 365. Those failures can be safely ignored.


Microsoft Online Services Diagnostics and Logging (MOSDAL) Support Toolkit

The Microsoft Online Services Diagnostics and Logging (MOSDAL) Support Toolkit performs network diagnostics and collects system configuration, network configuration, and logging information for applications that are used to connect to Microsoft Business Productivity Online Standard Suite (BPOS-S) or to Microsoft Office 365. The logs and diagnostic information that the tool generates provide data that helps technical support professionals troubleshoot configuration, network, installation, and other service-related issues. The MOSDAL Support Toolkit collects log files, registry keys, and configuration settings that would otherwise require time-consuming and labor-intensive collection by using separate tools.

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


06 0957 1124.


a Suggested Tags:

samedi 18 janvier 2014

La gouvernance aux TECHDAYS 2014

La gouvernance de SharePoint 2013 et architectures Hybrides

Cette session fait partie du parcours thématique Approfondir les sujets autour des outils de Collaboration


La Gouvernance de SharePoint 2013

- comparaison de fermes de pré-production et Prod.

Retours d'expériences (REX)

- les outils de gestion et de comparaisons : positionnement sur l'AZURE de ces architectures Hybrides

- les rapports automatiques

- l'administration des fermes

- l'audit des fermes

- correctifs

- démonstrations.

Les intervenants
Pierre-Erol  Giraudy Nabil Babaci
 Pierre-Erol Giraudy Nabil Babaci
(Azeo)    Voir la fiche (Azeo) Voir la fiche


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


image   Impression   LogoMVP

jeudi 9 janvier 2014

SharePoint Admin Dashboard

Easy to insal a WSP (I try it for you) 

Project Description Easily compare server configuration.

"Grid" layout shows configuration of the full farm in one table.

Export to Excel for filter, sort, and pivot chart.



  • Do admin tasks faster
  • Scale up beyond RDP
  • Add new servers without fear
  • Verify consistent configuration
  • New WSP format
  • Central Admin > Monitoring > SPDash easy navigation
  • View server config data in table format
  • Export to Excel
  • Timer job refreshes data cache of XML files
  • Wide screen layout for SharePoint 2013
  • Automatic hive (14/15) detection for SP2010/2013 support


Data Sources

  • WMI query
  • Global Assembly Cache
  • IIS web.config
  • Logical disk size and space
  • File versions (to confirm patching)
  • Display Local Administrator members
  • Kerberos SPN for all managed accounts and farm machines



SharePoint farms have many servers with various services, applications, traffic patterns, and purposes.

Having "grid" scripts like the below sample screen-shots can save lots of time. What's a "grid"? Simple.

I wanted to build a real-time Excel spreadsheet to display ALL configuration without RDP.

RDP won't scale. While great for 1-2 servers, it's awful for 10+ servers.

Having confidence in your configs and knowing everything is 100% consistent are BIG steps forward for most admins.





Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

vendredi 3 janvier 2014

Dynamic Website Activation in IIS 8.5 and Limitation 100

By Gary Ericson July 11, 2013

In IIS 8.5, when there are a large number of configured sites (100 or greater, by default), the service will not activate any of the sites when the service is started.
Dynamic website activation is only available in IIS 8.5.


When the Internet Information Services (IIS) on Windows Server 2012 service starts at system boot-up, it automatically activates all configured websites. This means that the first time any site is accessed, it will be available and respond quickly. However, for a system with a large number of sites configured, it not only takes a lot of time and resources to activate all those sites at once, but the sites can use a large amount of memory. If the majority of the sites are accessed infrequently, this can be an unneccesary waste of system resources.

Note that "activation", in this context, refers to a process in which IIS registers a site with the HTTP protocol stack (HTTP.SYS), which is part of the Windows Server operating system. This activation is not to be confused with the action of creating a worker-process for a site.


In IIS 8.5, when there are a large number of configured sites (100 or greater, by default), the service will not activate any of the sites when the service is started. Instead, IIS will activate each site only when it receives the first request for the site. This reduces the amount of system resources required by IIS, especially if a large number of the sites are accessed infrequently. The first request to the site will take some time as the site is activated, but subsequent accesses will respond normally.

Step by Step Instructions

Configure Dynamic Website Activation

By default, IIS 8.5 uses a threshold of 100 sites:

  • If there are less than 100 sites configured, then IIS will activate all sites at start-up.
  • If there are 100 or more sites configured, then IIS will activate each site as it is accessed the first time.

You can change this threshold value by using the Configuration Editor.

  1. Open IIS Manager.
  2. Select the server in the Connections pane, and then double-click Configuration Editor.
    Select Configuration Editor
  3. Select the section system.applicationHost/webLimits.
    Select webLimits
  4. Set the value of dynamicRegistrationThreshold to the new threshold value (the default value is 100).
    Set dynamicRegistrationThreshold
  5. Restart IIS.


In this guide, you have modified the threshold value used by IIS to determine the threshold over which the dynamic site activation features is effective.

Test Lab Guide: Configuring an Office 365 Trial Subscription



This Test Lab Guide shows you how to configure an Office 365 subscription using the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration for Public Cloud Technologies environment.

Date Published: Dec2013 12/18/2013

File name: Office365_FasttrackTLG.docx

File size: 149 KB

    This Microsoft Test Lab Guide (TLG) provides step-by-step instructions to configure an Office 365 subscription using the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration for Public Cloud Technologies environment, which contains computers running Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8. With the resulting test-lab environment, you can build test labs with a mix of on-premises and cloud workloads.

    System Requirements

    Supported Operating System

    Windows 8, Windows Server 2012

      • The file is a Microsoft Word document. Users who do not have Microsoft Word can view this document through the downloadable Word Viewer.

    Install Instructions

      1. Choose the Download button on this page to start the download. Or, select a different language from the drop-down list, and then Choose Go.
      2. Do one of the following:
        • To start the installation immediately, choose Open or Run this program from its current location.
        • To copy the download to your computer for installation at a later time, choose Save or Save this program to disk.

    Related Resources

    This new TLG uses a fictional Microsoft account and company and the on-premises base configuration test lab to set up a working trail subscription for Office 365 ProPlus, which includes Exchange Online, Lync Online, and SharePoint Online.

    Hey TLG and Office Server 2013 fans,

    Cloud products like Office 365 and Windows Azure have gotten a lot of attention recently as organizations see the savings of time and money they can offer. As a result, we’ve begun to publish new Test Lab Guides (TLGs) that set you on course to understand how cloud workloads can fit with your existing environment.

    For example, we recently published Configuring the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration Test Lab for Public Cloud Technologies to show you how to set up an on-premises environment that’s ready for public cloud integration.

    Now, we’ve built on this TLG with another that shows you how to set up a trial Office 365 subscription: Configuring an Office 365 Trial Subscription. This new TLG uses a fictional Microsoft account and company and the on-premises base configuration test lab to set up a working trail subscription for Office 365 ProPlus, which includes Exchange Online, Lync Online, and SharePoint Online.

    If you are evaluating Office 365 or Office 365 ProPlus for your business, take a look at this new TLG and give it a try. Note that this trial subscription is based on a fictional account and company and should not be used to Fast Track to a pilot or production configuration of Office 365.

    Tony Trivison
    Microsoft Office Solutions Content Team

    This article shows you how to configure an Office 365 Enterprise trial subscription, with a fictitious name, using the Office 365 FastTrack Pilot. The trial subscription will help you complete test-lab guides that require cloud-based products like SharePoint Online or Exchange Online. Figure 1 shows the configuration of the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration test lab for public cloud technologies with the Office 365 trial.


    See also Test Lab Guides

    Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

