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dimanche 28 décembre 2014

RACI - REX (Roles and Responsibilities Matrix) n°1

R = Responsible, A = Accountable, C = Consulted, I = Informed

RACI Chart (Roles and Responsibilities Matrix) n°1

The best way to understand RACI charts is to look at an actual example (if you are already familiar with RACI charts and simply need to download a template, visit the RACI templates page).  Here is a case where a manufacturing plant manager and his staff are planning to have the plant parking lot repaired.

I do use a RACI in many cases:
Simply place an R, A, C, I or any appropriate combination in each of the applicable roles for each activity  Each Activity should have at least one individual Accountable while there may be shared responsibilities depending on the activity.

  • R = Responsible:  The person or function that performs the work.  There must be one “R” in every row, no more and no less.
  • A = Accountable:  The person or function ultimately accountable for the work or decision being made.  Use this letter when appropriate, but not to excess – only when an important decision or task is at hand.  There can be from zero to one “A” in each row, but no more than one.
  • C = Consulted:  Anyone who must be consulted prior to a decision being made or a task completed.  A “C” is typically a subject matter expert or a functional leader whose team will be affected by the decision/action.  There can be from zero to multiple “C’s” in each row as appropriate.
  • I = Informed: Anyone who must be informed after a decision is made or work is completed.  There can be as many “I’s” as are appropriate in each row.

Basic Steps for Completing a RACI Chart:
1.Identify the work process or project that is to be charted.
2.List the important activities and decisions in the work process.
3.Using the RACI definitions, identify the functional roles that need to be involved with each activity or decision.
4.Based on (3), invite the appropriate representative from each function to a working session for developing the RACI chart.  Meeting length should be two hours maximum, unless there is fundamental disagreement around roles/responsibilities (in which case, make sure that senior leaders are invited as well).
5.Complete the chart in the working session, and publish it to the team.  Make modifications as needed moving forward and keep the chart up to date.
RACI - REX (Roles and Responsibilities Matrix) n°1

Template VISIO

This template uses a grid design to help you quickly and easily create a visual responsibility assignment matrix. This template, for an application development project, uses five responsibilities: participant, accountable, review required, input required, and sign-off required. You could further customize this sample with the responsibility assignment matrix that your company prefers, such as RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, informed).

Président du Club UGSF

samedi 14 mars 2009

Diagrammes techniques et autre documentation supplémentaire

Un grand nombre de ces ressources sont des documents de la taille d’un poster créés dans Microsoft Office Visio 2007. Si Office Visio n’est pas installé sur votre système, vous pouvez télécharger une visionneuse gratuite ( Il est conseillé de recourir à un traceur pour imprimer ces fichiers. Diagrammes techniques et autre documentation supplémentaire sur Microsoft TECHNET.

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007