
samedi 18 janvier 2014

La gouvernance aux TECHDAYS 2014

La gouvernance de SharePoint 2013 et architectures Hybrides

Cette session fait partie du parcours thématique Approfondir les sujets autour des outils de Collaboration


La Gouvernance de SharePoint 2013

- comparaison de fermes de pré-production et Prod.

Retours d'expériences (REX)

- les outils de gestion et de comparaisons : positionnement sur l'AZURE de ces architectures Hybrides

- les rapports automatiques

- l'administration des fermes

- l'audit des fermes

- correctifs

- démonstrations.

Les intervenants
Pierre-Erol  Giraudy Nabil Babaci
 Pierre-Erol Giraudy Nabil Babaci
(Azeo)    Voir la fiche (Azeo) Voir la fiche


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


image   Impression   LogoMVP

jeudi 9 janvier 2014

SharePoint Admin Dashboard

Easy to insal a WSP (I try it for you) 

Project Description Easily compare server configuration.

"Grid" layout shows configuration of the full farm in one table.

Export to Excel for filter, sort, and pivot chart.



  • Do admin tasks faster
  • Scale up beyond RDP
  • Add new servers without fear
  • Verify consistent configuration
  • New WSP format
  • Central Admin > Monitoring > SPDash easy navigation
  • View server config data in table format
  • Export to Excel
  • Timer job refreshes data cache of XML files
  • Wide screen layout for SharePoint 2013
  • Automatic hive (14/15) detection for SP2010/2013 support


Data Sources

  • WMI query
  • Global Assembly Cache
  • IIS web.config
  • Logical disk size and space
  • File versions (to confirm patching)
  • Display Local Administrator members
  • Kerberos SPN for all managed accounts and farm machines



SharePoint farms have many servers with various services, applications, traffic patterns, and purposes.

Having "grid" scripts like the below sample screen-shots can save lots of time. What's a "grid"? Simple.

I wanted to build a real-time Excel spreadsheet to display ALL configuration without RDP.

RDP won't scale. While great for 1-2 servers, it's awful for 10+ servers.

Having confidence in your configs and knowing everything is 100% consistent are BIG steps forward for most admins.





Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

vendredi 3 janvier 2014

Dynamic Website Activation in IIS 8.5 and Limitation 100

By Gary Ericson July 11, 2013

In IIS 8.5, when there are a large number of configured sites (100 or greater, by default), the service will not activate any of the sites when the service is started.
Dynamic website activation is only available in IIS 8.5.


When the Internet Information Services (IIS) on Windows Server 2012 service starts at system boot-up, it automatically activates all configured websites. This means that the first time any site is accessed, it will be available and respond quickly. However, for a system with a large number of sites configured, it not only takes a lot of time and resources to activate all those sites at once, but the sites can use a large amount of memory. If the majority of the sites are accessed infrequently, this can be an unneccesary waste of system resources.

Note that "activation", in this context, refers to a process in which IIS registers a site with the HTTP protocol stack (HTTP.SYS), which is part of the Windows Server operating system. This activation is not to be confused with the action of creating a worker-process for a site.


In IIS 8.5, when there are a large number of configured sites (100 or greater, by default), the service will not activate any of the sites when the service is started. Instead, IIS will activate each site only when it receives the first request for the site. This reduces the amount of system resources required by IIS, especially if a large number of the sites are accessed infrequently. The first request to the site will take some time as the site is activated, but subsequent accesses will respond normally.

Step by Step Instructions

Configure Dynamic Website Activation

By default, IIS 8.5 uses a threshold of 100 sites:

  • If there are less than 100 sites configured, then IIS will activate all sites at start-up.
  • If there are 100 or more sites configured, then IIS will activate each site as it is accessed the first time.

You can change this threshold value by using the Configuration Editor.

  1. Open IIS Manager.
  2. Select the server in the Connections pane, and then double-click Configuration Editor.
    Select Configuration Editor
  3. Select the section system.applicationHost/webLimits.
    Select webLimits
  4. Set the value of dynamicRegistrationThreshold to the new threshold value (the default value is 100).
    Set dynamicRegistrationThreshold
  5. Restart IIS.


In this guide, you have modified the threshold value used by IIS to determine the threshold over which the dynamic site activation features is effective.

Test Lab Guide: Configuring an Office 365 Trial Subscription



This Test Lab Guide shows you how to configure an Office 365 subscription using the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration for Public Cloud Technologies environment.

Date Published: Dec2013 12/18/2013

File name: Office365_FasttrackTLG.docx

File size: 149 KB

    This Microsoft Test Lab Guide (TLG) provides step-by-step instructions to configure an Office 365 subscription using the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration for Public Cloud Technologies environment, which contains computers running Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8. With the resulting test-lab environment, you can build test labs with a mix of on-premises and cloud workloads.

    System Requirements

    Supported Operating System

    Windows 8, Windows Server 2012

      • The file is a Microsoft Word document. Users who do not have Microsoft Word can view this document through the downloadable Word Viewer.

    Install Instructions

      1. Choose the Download button on this page to start the download. Or, select a different language from the drop-down list, and then Choose Go.
      2. Do one of the following:
        • To start the installation immediately, choose Open or Run this program from its current location.
        • To copy the download to your computer for installation at a later time, choose Save or Save this program to disk.

    Related Resources

    This new TLG uses a fictional Microsoft account and company and the on-premises base configuration test lab to set up a working trail subscription for Office 365 ProPlus, which includes Exchange Online, Lync Online, and SharePoint Online.

    Hey TLG and Office Server 2013 fans,

    Cloud products like Office 365 and Windows Azure have gotten a lot of attention recently as organizations see the savings of time and money they can offer. As a result, we’ve begun to publish new Test Lab Guides (TLGs) that set you on course to understand how cloud workloads can fit with your existing environment.

    For example, we recently published Configuring the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration Test Lab for Public Cloud Technologies to show you how to set up an on-premises environment that’s ready for public cloud integration.

    Now, we’ve built on this TLG with another that shows you how to set up a trial Office 365 subscription: Configuring an Office 365 Trial Subscription. This new TLG uses a fictional Microsoft account and company and the on-premises base configuration test lab to set up a working trail subscription for Office 365 ProPlus, which includes Exchange Online, Lync Online, and SharePoint Online.

    If you are evaluating Office 365 or Office 365 ProPlus for your business, take a look at this new TLG and give it a try. Note that this trial subscription is based on a fictional account and company and should not be used to Fast Track to a pilot or production configuration of Office 365.

    Tony Trivison
    Microsoft Office Solutions Content Team

    This article shows you how to configure an Office 365 Enterprise trial subscription, with a fictitious name, using the Office 365 FastTrack Pilot. The trial subscription will help you complete test-lab guides that require cloud-based products like SharePoint Online or Exchange Online. Figure 1 shows the configuration of the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration test lab for public cloud technologies with the Office 365 trial.


    See also Test Lab Guides

    Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

