During the SharePoint Conference, I shared a new presentation to a few hundred people on the cool and new features in SharePoint 2010 with a taste of the new life of the SharePoint Administrator. We had a great showing and a great discussion about the new features. You can see my Top 10 SharePoint 2010 favorites in my last post.
GOUVERNANCE et TIC + Artificial Intelligence Veille technologique - Transmission du savoir.
mercredi 28 octobre 2009
SharePoint 2010 Webcast: The New World of SharePoint 2010 Administration - SharePoint Joel's SharePoint Land
SharePoint 2010 L’outil de pré-installation de MOSS 2010
Dans la lignée des autres produits de la gamme serveur chez Microsoft, SharePoint 2010 bénéficie enfin d’une première interface d’assistant d’installation, et non plus une simple fenêtre de décompression de fichiers, tel que nous l’offrait la version précédente.
Celui-ci est avant tout un outil en ligne de commande ' PrerequisiteInstaller.exe ‘, dont voici les options (voir la vidéo)
Blog de Augusto Simoes (MCT) | [SharePoint 2010] L’outil de pré-installation de MOSS 2010
News & Events – Events FAST à PARIS le 25/11/2009
Rejoignez pour cet événement des collègues issus de différents secteurs et occupant des positions variées, ainsi que de nombreux membres de l'équipe FAST et Microsoft. Outre l'opportunité de partager des expériences, vous aurez la possibilité d'échanger les meilleures pratiques et d'en savoir plus sur les toutes dernières innovations en matière de recherche.
Pour vous inscrire à cet événement majeur gratuit, cliquez ci-dessous :
mardi 27 octobre 2009
Welcome to CBT Architecting Connected Systems!
This is the main page for 50228
dimanche 25 octobre 2009
Présentation ARISEM le 3 NOV chez MICROSOFT
3 novembre 2009 : Décuplez la puissance de Microsoft SharePoint grâce à l’analyse sémantique et au Text-Mining.
La version PDF est disponible sur le site à l’adresse suivante =
« Le Web Sémantique sur SharePoint chez Microsoft France le mardi 3 novembre » | |||||
« Décuplez la puissance de SharePoint grâce à l’analyse sémantique et au Text-Mining » La technologie d’analyse sémantique et de traitement automatisé du langage d’Arisem permet à des applications, telles que MICROSOFT Office SharePoint, de tirer profit du contexte des informations et de démultiplier la pertinence des recherches. L’apport d’un processus d’analyse sémantique multilingue, couplé à des fonctions d’extraction et de catégorisation automatique de l’information, permet d’explorer avec précision les connaissances de l’entreprise. | |||||
INSCRIPTION Le nombre de places étant limité, merci de confirmer rapidement votre inscription auprès de: Anne Carocha 01 69 75 31 89
Site web : www.arisem.com Arisem | |||||
Le 3 novembre 2009 :
8h30 : Accueil autour d’un café 9h00 : Arisem et les fonctions de Text-Mining et d’analyse sémantique pour décupler la puissance de Microsoft Office SharePoint. 10h15 : Pause 10h45 : - Démonstration (présentation des fonctionnalités).- Retour d’expérience. 11h45 : Questions / Réponses, et collation. Adresse MICROSOFT 41, quai Pdt. Roosevelt 92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux | |||||
Pour vous désinscrire des informations Arisem : Cliquez-ici
Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0
MOF Action Plan: Redistributing the Workload
This new series of MOF Action Plans was created to address the many challenges faced by IT pros. These resources provide IT pros with concise, actionable solutions that address real-world IT problems. The first release in this new series addresses the challenge of redistributing the workload due to staffing cuts. It asks readers to consider and reconfigure responsibilities and work distribution, based on key principles and best practices from MOF 4.0 core content.
vendredi 23 octobre 2009
Essential SharePoint 2010: Overview, Governance, and Planning: Scott Jamison, Mauro Cardarelli, Susan Hanley: Books
CLUB MOSS FRANCE - http://www.clubmoss2007.org/Essential SharePoint 2010: Overview, Governance, and Planning
by Scott Jamison (Author), Mauro Cardarelli (Author), Susan Hanley (Author)
SPC09 : Session “SharePoint 2010 Governance Planning and Implementation”
Top Ten par Patrick GUIMONET
- Vision : pourquoi faire ? les objectifs business
- Définir rôles et responsabilités
- Modèle de déploiement (dans l’organistion)
- “One size does not fit all”
- Policies
- Guiding Principles
- Stratégie d’adoption (Lancement & Déploiement)
- Content Management Plan
- Plan de formation
- Document “Plan de gouvernance” (cf. Governance Document template on Technet)
- Ce qui est important c’est de poser les questions (plus que le document lui-même)
Free SharePoint 2010, SharePoint Designer 2010 and InfoPath 2010 Videos | SharePoint-Videos.com
For a good gouvernance SharePoint 2010 you need a good training of your team : Free videos are rotated weekly. Check them out. If you like what you see, please join us to access All of our videos by becoming a subscriber. Got questions? Email us at info@sharepointelearning.com.
Note: If videos are not working properly, check out the URL. It should begin with http://www.sharepoint-videos.com
Free SharePoint 2010, SharePoint Designer 2010 and InfoPath 2010 Videos SharePoint-Videos.com
jeudi 22 octobre 2009
Developing SharePoint Applications
The Developing SharePoint Applications guidance helps architects and developers design and build applications that are testable, extensible, and that provide the tools they need to maintain those applications and diagnose problems when they arise.
This release contains a written guide, an API reference, two reference implementations, a set of reusable components and QuickStarts. The reference implementations are named the Partner Portal application and the Training Management application.
The Partner Portal application uses Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. It shows how to create an extranet for companies who are partners with Contoso Pharmaceuticals.
The Training Management application uses Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0. It shows how to build a single intranet site. It is less complex than the Partner Portal application and demonstrates how to implement many basic SharePoint capabilities such as accessing lists and creating workflows.
Download details: Developing SharePoint Applications–August 2009
SPC09 : Session “SharePoint 2010 Governance Planning and Implementation”
Top Ten par Patrick GUIMONET
- Vision : pourquoi faire ? les objectifs business
- Définir rôles et responsabilités
- Modèle de déploiement (dans l’organistion)
- “One size does not fit all”
- Policies
- Guiding Principles
- Stratégie d’adoption (Lancement & Déploiement)
- Content Management Plan
- Plan de formation
- Document “Plan de gouvernance” (cf. Governance Document template on Technet)
- Ce qui est important c’est de poser les questions (plus que le document lui-même)
SPC09 : Session “SharePoint 2010 Governance Planning and Implementation”
SPC09 : Session “SharePoint 2010 Governance Planning and Implementation”
CLUB MOSS FRANCE - http://www.clubmoss2007.org/
dimanche 18 octobre 2009
Evénements Prochaine réunion du CLUB MOSS Le 27 Novembre 2009
Documents et PPT et vidéos téléchargez les : LA.
Organisateur : CLUB MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007)
Type : Réunions Gratuite
Date : 27 novembre 2009
Heure : 13:30 - 18:30
Adresse : 39, quai du Président Roosevelt
Ville : Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Voir le plan :
Adresse électronique : clubmoss @ numericable.fr
Evénements sur le site du CLUB MOSS FRANCE - http://www.clubmoss2007.org/
samedi 17 octobre 2009
Developing SharePoint Applications
The Developing SharePoint Applications guidance helps architects and developers design and build applications that are both flexible and scaleable. It shows developers how to provide IT professionals with the information they need to maintain those applications and diagnose problems when they arise. The two reference implementations illustrate how to solve many of the common challenges developers encounter. One reference implementation addresses basic issues such as creating lists and content types. The other addresses more advanced problems such as how to integrate line of business services, how to create collaboration sites programmatically, and how to customize aspects of publishing and navigation. A library of reusable components helps you adopt techniques used in the reference implementations. The guidance discusses approaches for testing SharePoint applications, such as how to create unit tests, and documents experiences with stress and scale testing one of the reference implementations.
Outils de planification Agile dans Visual Studio Team System 2010
Agile Planning Tools In Visual Studio Team System 2010
Ajoy Krishnamoorthy
This article is based on a prerelease version of Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) 2010. All information is subject to change.
This article discusses:
- Product and iteration planning
- Product backlog workbook
- Capacity planning and reports
- Iteration backlog workbook
This article uses the following technologies:
Outils de planification Agile dans Visual Studio Team System 2010
vendredi 16 octobre 2009
SharePoint Themes, Web Parts, SharePointPackages.Com - MasterThemes.Net
SharePoint Design Showcase
Comment mettre en œuvre le télétravail comme composante d’un PCA
Pierre Erol GIRAUDY - MVP MOSSHOMMES & PROCESS vient de co-rédiger un livre blanc intitulé « Développer le télétravail dans le cadre d’un plan de continuité d’activité ».
Cette publication importante intervient à l’occasion de la conférence du 12 novembre, organisée par Microsoft et le média «L’Atelier ». S’appuyant sur le témoignage de Natixis, celle-ci a pour réflexion : « Quelle solution technologique pour votre Plan de Continuité d'Activité (PCA) ? ».
En effet, dans le contexte économique actuel, hostile pour les entreprises, il est indispensable de prévoir les moyens nécessaires dans le cadre d’activation d’un PCA, quelle que soit la nature de la crise, c'est-à-dire :
Liée à l’image de l’entreprise (Ex. : La tricherie en F1 de l’équipe Renault…),
Liée à la qualité ou à la conformité de l’offre (Ex. : Les matières allergisantes dans des produits Conforama ou Eram…),
Liée à des catastrophes naturelles (Ex : l’ouragan Katrina, innondations…),
Liée à des incidents sanitaires (Les virus H5N1 en 2007 ou H1N1 actuellement, la maladie de creutzfeld jacob…),
samedi 3 octobre 2009
Install SharePoint Server 2007 on Windows Server 2008 R2
Starting from Service Pack 2, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and SharePoint Server 2007 support Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2. When you try to install SharePoint bits on Windows Server 2008 R2 directly, you may see the following dialogue:
Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog : Install SharePoint Server 2007 on Windows Server 2008 R2
vendredi 2 octobre 2009
Résaux sociaux et MOSS 2007
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
Microsoft SharePoint Governance & Compliance Solutions
The DocAve Governance Suite is a powerful and fully-integrated toolset that empowers organizations to efficiently control and protect the deployment, adapt the platform to changing regulatory and legal requirements, and satisfy audit and discovery requests with speed and precision using Microsoft SharePoint.
The DocAve Governance Suite is composed of the following DocAve modules:
SharePoint Administrator
Easily view, search, manage, report, and replicate configurations and securities of SharePoint objects and users throughout an entire SharePoint deployment from a single interface.
Backup and Recovery
Intelligent, item-through-platform level backups with granular, full fidelity restores – including all server configurations, customizations, content, securities, and metadata.
Compliance Vault
Policy-driven, automated capture of complete and customizable datasets – including all securities and metadata – in an immutable form to confidently satisfy all compliance-related retention requirements, and ensure the proper stewardship of audit data and the successful completion of searches related to legal discoveries, audits, and reviews.
High Availability
The most reliable continuous uptime solution, providing a full ‘standby’ environment that is easily accessible in the event of data-center or platform architecture-loss, for minimal downtime following the loss of a production environment.
Granularly audit and log any event, user, and object at any level of deployment hierarchy, and deliver comprehensive reports based on any data attribute, platform event, or metadata tag.
Content Shield
Pro-actively prevent unauthorized or non-compliant content from being uploaded to SharePoint, customizable by any attribute, including keyword, metadata tags, and file type.
Report Center
One dashboard for comprehensive platform intelligence, with fully customizable dashboard views and reporting on all aspects of platform usage, health, and resource utilization. Real-time platform monitoring, comprehensive infrastructure reporting, and dynamic user activity analysis delivered via a single pane of glass for true platform and business intelligence.
Ensure precision and efficient response to legal inquiries and requests for information with real-time search of all live or archived SharePoint content by any combination of keywords, attributes, and metadata fields, and comprehensive, exportable reporting capabilities.
Eight powerful modules, all piloted through a single interface
SharePoint intranet portal governance (white paper)
his paper provides a sample governance plan for an intranet portal deployment in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. The plan is designed to help you outline the administration, maintenance, and support of a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 deployment in an enterprise. The fictitious company on which the plan is based supports collaboration, Web content management, and an intranet portal with departmental portals.